
Our psa is able to work without any pressure drop, and, moreover, even with increased water pressure, meaning they can help network pumps to pump water into the system. Therefore, when using our devices can use the power the pump with less pressure, and hence less power than in the case of paroutilizatorom, significantly saving on electricity. 5. On the mechanism of suppression Vibration In order to understand why we need it and how it should work, it is necessary to determine the cause of the vibration. In all, without exception, jet apparatuses vibration is caused by unevenness in distribution of flux over the cross section of the mixing chamber. Thus, the principle of anti-vibration is very simple – the better the blended environment, the less vibration. Particularly strong vibration is manifested in the apparatus in which working medium is water, that is when the water is fed to a central orifice and the flow of steam is sucked into a jet of water.

That is exactly what is happening in paroutilizatorah. In this case, the unevenness is obtained by the maximum, as central part of the flow (core flow) is a solid stream of water, and the peripheral part of the stream is steam. Under this option mix is bad, because the solid stream of water poorly dispersed, the surface area ground flow is obtained by a small, non-uniformity persists throughout the length of the mixing chamber and as a result of all this leads to vibration. Therefore, for vibration damping in paroutilizatorah necessary to apply additional tweaks – do condensing column, to the mixing chamber is not got a clean pair, and already pre-mixed with water or apply ejector design, or use centrifugal nozzle to swirl the water itself broke up into droplets.

Pumping Equipment

Demand for pumping equipment in Europe is steadily increasing, while depending on the increase in fuel prices and rapid industrial development of the European countries. But the global financial crisis has adversely affected in 2008-2009 gg pumping equipment on the market applied to some manufacturing industries, in particular, to the chemical industry. Such a recessionary trend is likely to continue in 2010, on what basis suppliers of pumping equipment are expected reduction in demand in this segment is estimated at 30%. At the same time, for areas of water and energy needs are projected to increase at the pumps associated with the introduction of a number of European legislation on preferential promotion of infrastructure development, involving increasing need for clean drinking water and adequate sanitary control. In addition, government regulation of the European countries, aimed at sovershenstvoacvanie standards for energy efficiency, contributes to the modernization of existing plants water and sanitation. Desalination plant considered as a segment of the long-term prospects for the use of pumps and reverse osmosis system because of their low cost of a preferential demand precisely during economic crisis.

In the energy sector, given the upward trend in energy production, is expected to increase consumption of pumping equipment for reconstruction and for new facilities. Targeted development of the production of fuels third-generation provides opportunities for the future demand for pumping equipment in this sector. Currently, in Western Europe, a leading business service pump systems. Attention Foreign investors are increasingly attracted by rapidly developing and promising markets of Eastern European States. Among the various types of pumps displacement effect the most favorable market growth trend assumed for peristaltic pumps due to their advantages in durability. Rotary vane pumps are preferred for 'hygienic' applications requiring maximum pollution prevention fluid.