Asafa Syndrome

Before even fit the shoes of nails, the most vulnerable Usain Bolt who is known has been without rivals. As condemned to despair, the four athletes who best mark had done this season in the 100 meters have due resign themselves to not try this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the excellences of the track blue Daegu, stunning between the mountains in the world, to renounce the challenge the fastest athlete in history. Yesterday, Asafa Powell, the boy most loved by the discerning fans, who wanted to, guided by the tenderness and fear of discouragement, who exploited a regular of the untouchable Bolt year, finally announced that the groin injury that hurt for a couple of weeks was not, as many believed, a psychological resource, an imaginary painto rid of the tension that grips the Favorites on the eve of the World Cup – came with the best world mark of the year, 9, 78s, a tenth faster than Bolt-, but a true and real physical pain. So alive that you have forced to step back and give his place in the Jamaican team to Michael Frater. Source of the news:: Asafa syndrome

AOL Instant

/ EP the number of users of such services will triple in five years. Applications like WhatsApp are getting a major boost by the growing number of smart phones and the lowering of data packets. The development of high-speed mobile networks is also helping. A new study says that the number of users that will use instant messaging through mobile will surpass 1.3 billion by 2016, i.e., the number of users will triple in five years. This figure will be boosted by the arrival of new services, such as iMessage of Apple, and the continued growth of existing services such as AIM from AOL, Blackberry Messenger, Microsoft Windows Live, Skype, Messenger or the multi-platform WhatsApp.

The Mobile Messaging study whitepaper, by Juniper Research communications industry analyst company, ensures that the release of these free mobile instant messaging services has been facilitated by the growing number of smart phones, the low cost of data packets and the development of high-speed mobile networks. However, the report points out that although the users of these services will continue to grow, im not able to compete with SMS as a primary means of communication from text in mobile phones. The author of the study, Daniel Ashdown ensures that the traditional SMS has a clear advantage over instant messaging services. With an SMS, I know that I can reach almost any phone in the world, if I have your number, while that with instant messaging services, the market is fragmented by the different services that cannot communicate with each other, says Ashdown. The traditional SMS will generate profits exceeding 70,000 billion dollars (48.622 million euros) for the year 2016. However, despite these findings, SMS revenues suffered in 2010 some of the biggest cuts in its history. In addition, the penetration of smart phones is increasing, the number of instant messaging applications continues to grow and expand, and social networks also tend to replace short text in contexts such as congratulations for birthdays or Christmas messages. On the other hand, the report points out that e-mail on mobile devices will also see growth as users gain more smart phones. Where Yes is expected to an extinction is in the case of the already little used MMS, that will disappear slowly because, according to the study, there will be much easy ways to share multimedia content. Source of the news: mobile instant messaging is triggered, SMS at risk?