The Moon

I heard that the magnetic field Reverse polarity of the Earth in 2012, when there will be as predicted, the strongest in the history of solar storms. Do we die then? And whether our civilization is destroyed? As we approach the period of maximum solar activity (which occur about every 11 years), there is a lot more solar flares and mass emissions of the coronary than in periods of minimum solar activity. Outbreaks and mass emissions are not risk to humans or other species of life on Earth. They could endanger the astronauts living in deep space or on the moon, and this is something with which NASA must learn somehow to fight, but it’s not yours and not my problem.

Powerful flares can disrupt radio system, cause the appearance of colorful aurora (northern and southern auroras), disable the electronics of satellites located in space. Today, many satellites are designed in such a way as to cope with this problem, for example, by disabling some of the most sensitive circuits, and the transition to the ‘secure’ mode for several hours. In extreme situations, solar activity can also disrupt power lines on the ground that can lead to complete disconnect from the electricity of entire regions, but this is rare. ech resources. The last period of maximum solar activity took place in 2001, so next time predicted by about 2012, after 11 years. True, the last period of minimum solar activity was unusual, it was only a couple of years, during which almost no sun spots and other signs of solar activity, so that scientists now believe that the next period of maximum solar activity is delayed, possibly until 2013.

Public Interest Research Group

Topics of issue: The beginning of the winter of abnormally warm. UN climate summit. The oldest animal on Earth. Check out Peter Thiel for additional information. Guide ‘eco-friendly lifestyle. ” Map household waste disposal service in Moscow.

Carbon dioxide will be on the planet for thousands of years. Be careful when buying toys —- FocusNote time to learn ‘eco-friendly way of life’ … Winter in Russia began with abnormally warm weather. About 50 million Russians live in conditions of increased air pollution. MEP 6 times increase penalties for emissions into the rivers. The city authorities have criticized the ‘environmental rating’. In the Polish Poznan UN climate summit takes place.

On the island of St. Helena is the oldest living animal on Earth. Scientists have found no explanation of reproduction of some species. More than five hundred whales died in the icy captivity. New population of endangered monkeys discovered in northern Vietnam. WWF published a guide ‘environmentally friendly image life ‘. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- Environmentalists presented card household waste disposal in Moscow Environmentalists submitted online internet card household waste disposal and the location automata (fandomatov) for receiving aluminum cans and bottles from the population in Moscow. ‘With our card Muscovites find out where in the capital can take trash to recycling. It gives addresses of household waste disposal in Moscow explanation of what waste they accept, and also addresses fandomatov where you can drop aluminum cans and plastic bottles’, – the head of Greenpeace toxic Alexey Kiselev at a press conference in RIA Novosti News. —- Carbon dioxide will stay on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, effects of atmospheric pollution by carbon dioxide will be felt for hundreds of thousands of years. On this, the study said researchers to disprove widespread belief that the atmosphere quickly recover after the cessation of carbon dioxide emissions. ‘The study shows that carbon dioxide, which now goes into the atmosphere from our homes, cars and factories continue to heat up our planet hundreds of thousands of years “, – quotes the scientists newspaper Independent. One of the study’s authors, Professor David Archer of the University of Chicago warns that ‘climate impact of carbon dioxide emissions will be longer than a Stonehenge, longer than the time capsule will lie (memorial container with the attributes of the era, intended for disposal), longer than a human civilization. ” —- Experts call for parents to be careful when buying toys during the holidays – many of them may contain dangerous toxins Christmas or New Year’s gift a child can have serious health problems, child – many Plastic products have been marketed, contain hazardous chemicals, including phthalates and lead, experts warn. Even a soft toy in the form of a giraffe or a snake is dangerous choking to small children. Experts Public Interest Research Group / PIRG, USA / stress that asthma, as well as accidental ingestion of small elements – the leading cause of death from toys for children. However, this risk can be prevented by avoiding overly complex design, with many details, weaves and knots of products. Yet another danger, seemingly almost impossible to find – is the presence of toxins in the material. —- Release Distribution: 326 issue a weekly mailing of environmental ECOportal.

Particles Energy

In recent years much has been written and said about the physical nature of the vacuum. With some approximation, the real space, separated from each other planets, stars, galaxies, is a perfect vacuum. What we now know about its properties? From the point of view modern physics a perfect vacuum does not exist. The vacuum is an oscillating field that interacts with other fields. Already relatively weak gravitational field near the star causes distortion space, and in the presence of a strong electromagnetic field of an electron, or intranuclear forces appear in a vacuum virtual particles. They always appear in pairs – the particle-antiparticle pairs and disappear quickly, while existing in time is considerably less than the most short-lived elementary particles. Nevertheless, it is theoretically proved that the superstrong field can lift the particles from the vacuum, making them thus in a very real particles, have well-defined rest mass.

This means that the vacuum has energy, however, so slight that it can not be measured by any currently existing devices. If the vacuum is able to regenerate in substance, according to the law of conservation of energy, it should probably mean the physical destruction of a three-dimensional space with earlier this energy! Conversely, perhaps there may be processes in which the substance can be transformed into a spatial field as a result of energy dissipation. This process is even more preferable since it is accompanied by an increase in entropy of the system. Between matter and space is not, therefore, an irresistible face and they are in certain circumstances may transform into each other.

Power Point Start

Then, there are no problems with delays and the need to adjust personal schedule training participants. Also in the planning since the beginning of the training should pay attention to where the training – in a big city (Kiev, Moscow, Donetsk), or in a town with fewer people. In cities with a population of 500 tis is planned to start training at 10.00. In cities with smaller populations can start training at 9.00 or 9.30. This is due to the specifics of the city, and habits of people, problems with transport. For example, in Kiev, is almost impossible begin training before 10:00 am, without risking being late to witness half of the training group. In addition, it is important to consider before beginning training for 20-30 minutes to register to attend the training, especially in the case of open training and information about early registration must be present in the announcements of training.

Thus, the start of training defined, the participants arrived, registered, the training begins … What's next? Presentation of the topic of training, trainers, training companies, particularly those of the company. Unfortunately, too often these important moments are missed, but it is wrong – the default is that the trainees informed about the topic of the training and about who and what it holds, but in practice is often different, so do not be amiss again to stop there. The first step should be sounding the theme of training. And not just sound, and recording on Whatman paper or flip chart, and this information must be displayed prominently throughout the training, no matter how many days it lasted no. Now the coaches are actively using presentation techniques, and try to give as much information as Power Point presentations.