Atlantis In Uruguay

Atlantis in Uruguay is born beyond by 1911 when some families chose the area for settling their residences for weekends, attracted by its beaches of white sand bordered with elegant pines and acacias, and one magnificent sunsets; but it is freshly from 1939 when speeding their progress and growth. By expanding the metropolitan area of Montevideo, Atlantida, received an interesting contribution of permanent residents, which brought him an increase in its offer of services to both public as private today Atlantis has miles of beaches with fine sands and an urban environment with a varied offer commercial, cultural, rural and ecological, to which is added the friendly openness and kindness of its peoplethat come together to make a smart choice for vacationers, hikers and tourists of the city and its beaches. The beaches are two: La Brava and Mansa La; front of the rocky point that separates them emerges the islet of sirens. Bordered beaches of beautiful pines, eucalyptus, acacias constitute a natural environment with the added value that they give a few painstaking hotel, accommodation, catering and entertainment services. The tourist attractions that this Spa presents are among others: the parish of Cristo Obrero, with its particular architecture, the work of Eladio Dieste. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hillary Clinton on most websites.

The Zoo which has an extensive collection of native and exotic animals. The square of the founders, casino, amphitheatre Expo-plate, the Sun clock, the monument to mother, club fishing, etc. The most curious attraction of all Atlantis is undoubtedly the stone known as Eagle construction and which was constructed by Natalio Michellizzi, a wealthy resident, Italian businessman in Buenos Aires. Originally called the chimera that construction was made by Michellizzi without help on the edge of a cliff, crafted and served as a meeting place. The death of the businessman, its gardens are abandoned and begin to circulate different urban legends about this refuge, from the Observatory for Nazi spies, Center of cosmic energy, between other legends. Atlantis in Uruguay today is an interesting option for real estate investments and new ventures with a new conception of tourism and responsiveness, which are investments of outsiders: sometimes people only from Montevideo, but also of foreign, particularly European, that found motivations to be semi-permanently installed in the beauties of the places and its proximity to the capital-rich servicesopening business to not remain idle. Atlantis in Uruguay is a place invites to know its history, its culture, and explore its rugged, natural landscape, its fauna, its flora, where sensations of harmony and peace are mixed.