Remember Procedures

In essence, the fluid use of procedures involving joint actions and remember how to do it. The students have to be efficient and precise in their use of various procedures and calculation tools. They must know that you can use specific procedures to solve entire classes of problems, not just individual problems. So here in terms of abilities and skills the students should: Remember definitions, vocabulary, units, number facts, properties of numbers, properties of plane figures, conversions of different sizes, etc. Recognize / Identify mathematical entities that are equivalent, is ie areas of parts of figures to represent fractions, fractions known, decimals and percentages equivalent;; simple geometric figures oriented differently, and so on. Calculate know algorithmic procedures for +, -, X,: or a combination of such operations, known procedures to approximate numbers, estimate measurements, solve equations, evaluate expressions and formulas, divide a quantity in a given ratio, increase or decrease a quantity by a given percentage, etc.

Use mathematics to use tools and measuring instruments, reading scales: draw lines, angles or shapes according to given specifications. Given the necessary steps, using ruler and compass to construct the bisector of a line, the bisector of an angle, triangles and quadrilaterals. II. Use of concepts Familiarity with mathematical concepts is essential in the effective use of mathematics to solve problems, for reasoning and, therefore, for the development of mathematical understanding. Knowledge of concepts enables students to make connections between elements of knowledge that, at best, would only be retained as isolated events.