Enjoy Facebook

The use of the power of social networks such as Facebook to create your web site is actually a very popular for the set of marketing tools online inclusion, now are you aconse promote your website with Facebook. Provides an alternative method of contact with potential customers without using e-mail, which often seeps, to been forgotten and has even been deleted. Spam filters may reject verderos e-mail among its clients who have been in your list. Subscribers may not know how to add your e-mail address to whitelist or simply not take the time to do so. Facebook is free of this kind of problem. Then, how can one get traffic from facebook to your fan page and, finally, its web site.

Here some strategies are to observe if it wants to achieve both. * Interesting, rich in your profile – your profile keywords must also be of interest to your target audience and containing key words. You must not only be satisfied with a few few lines. He liked to appear on Google, searches on Facebook as well as lists of people distributed among friends. * Put your website and product descriptions in wall, description and photos and ensure that the information that incorporates keywords. A related site: Sander Gerber mentions similar findings.

To publish many times as you can and use interesting information and voucher worth and add links to your site or blog. ** The interaction is a necessity. If a person starts a comment or a question, you have to respond immediately. This tends to demonstrate that you are interested in the votes of your followers and therefore are willing to interact with them. * Enjoy Facebook applications to push visitors to your web site or blog. In reality, there is a great selection of applications completely free out there, here there are a couple: that their messages aparescan on Facebook or Twitter your Twitter messages appear on Facebook. Blog readers of RSS feeds that will help you put a personal blog, blog RSS or even any feed corporate power RSS of others to your Facebook profile. Promote your website with Facebook, truth is that not it must be ignored. It is really too powerful a tool to get cast out and not object-use as often as you can be. Treat Facebook as a marketing platform and will perform much better than if only sees it as a social diversion.