
Any activity by simple as it may seem, you’ll need enough energy to start, make and complete the task that you’ve proposed. Imagine that your energy is produced and deposited in a large container which you are extracting every time that you need it and also need to maintain a minimum level to continue functioning properly. Some activities, situations and people linked to your life will consume some of your energy, unless it is transformed into something productive, is as if that container began to leak, which will force you to make one greater effort to replenish it. Surely at this point you’ll be remembering the times that you’ve surprised thinking something like that person I exhausted or this has me exhausted this work overwhelms me etc, and is not about the amount of work or activity, but the additional energy that you need to force you to accept things that are not to your liking, while other times dedicaras hours and hours of work to a very pleasant activitythat despite the time you will not feel exhausted. What tolerate must learn to identify these activities, situations and people that steal your energy and perform actions that allow to avoid its influence. Some things that you probably tolerate and leave for some time: Uncomfortable calls that you do but you leave for later. Necessary conversations with people who cause you fear, which you avoid while you’re waiting some miracle to solve the problem without having to talk to them.

Fix something that doesn’t work in your House, like a light bulb, a dispenser of SOAP or rope to hang a picture. Filing or processing any document, obtain a peace and except, a certificate, or replace a lost document. Any bank transaction, pay the receipt of services, claiming a checkbook, deliver a letter informing change of address or updating your data.