The Upper

Another good technique lies in getting all the information that you can about the company and the position offered, so that one knows what are the characteristics that the person who has to deal with it should have. If the requirements are exceeded, it is better to show only those that fit with the profile requested, without mentioning others at first. Then, according to advance the selection process, there will be time to come out to shine. Hands-on When it comes time to send the curriculum must ensure summarize all relevant information on a single page. Data can be scarce, but you always have to avoid distorting the reality. The most appropriate model is one in which the most important data are detailed in the upper part of the folio and titles that can overwhelm the reader or impress him negatively, relegated to the lower positions, without emphasizing them excessively. But, obviously, they should always be present. After passing the exam the curriculum, will get the opportunity to have an interview in person with the coach.

During the same may arise the doubt, by the party, if an excessive qualification may not be a problem in the performance of the job. The best response is to argue that the experience and knowledge acquired during the career are an advantage for the future performance of the company. At this point in the process, the selectors may bring out a series of objections against the candidature of the type: will get bored very quickly, You’re not compliant with wage or You go to another company as soon as you have a better offer. As a general rule, companies are not supporters of hiring highly qualified staff, since we believe that, when the economic situation improves, they will lose this staff. So you have to be able to convince them of the contrary. If comment you that the work can be humiliating for someone with your profile, you must make it clear that you are a person that you consider that the mere fact of being able to work longer is a privilege, regardless of the work to be done. To get a good reaction from the coach, takes the initiative and ask questions that you can answer in your benefit.

Thus, you can encourage him to ask you about any issue that you need so that you are convinced that you’re the most suitable person for the post offered (“does he have any questions about my candidacy that still has not been able to answer?). Those subjects that you consider most controversial you should take into account and be prepared to deal with any matter in this regard. The best thing: you practice at home before going to the meeting, so do not stay with the mind blank, or you don’t know what to answer. But above all, be honest. You try to get the job only if it really motivates you even if you are below your qualifications.