Testing Your System

If peremknut severed the line (it can be done by soft pencil M2 or M3, or M4, pairwise overwriting severed L1 bridges on the surface of stone), the ability to adjust the frequency factor will be returned. This method (brushing bridges) so good is that when need to be easy to return the processor type of product, simply erasing graphite surface of the stone spirits. Once the bridges peremknuty, you can safely change in the permitted frequency multiplier in the bios of the motherboard limits. One more thing. Whichever option we have not changed – you can not change it too drastically.

Change the value of the minimum essential step. After that, reboot and test systems. Now on the bus fsb. If changing the multiplier can be only change frequency of the processor, then changing the bus frequency, we change the speed of the whole system. This is a plus, as speeds up the whole system, and a minus, as not all devices can operate at higher frequencies. To us did not hurt, it is recommended to remove all the extra pci device, leaving only the video card. Just before the increase in bus frequency divider is recommended to reduce the graphics card for example with the 16x to 8x, etc.

All this can be done in the bios motherboard. Continue to reduce the frequency of memory to a minimum. What is it? The fact that with increasing the fsb frequency, memory frequency increases. As a result, when overclocked to fsb, we can a higher frequency processor, which "rested" in memory.