Soup With Prunes

For this recipe you'll need: prunes – 30 grams of white mushrooms, dried – 8 grams of sugar beet – 100 g Cabbage – 60 g carrots – 20 g parsley – 5 grams of onions – 20 g tomato puree – 15 g flour – 5 g margarine – 10 Mr. Sugar – 5 grams of vinegar 3% – 8 g sour cream – 10 g bay leaf pepper cloves The recipe: 1. Cut beets, cabbage, carrots, parsley, onion. 2. Add to your understanding with financial technology. Washed prunes put in mushroom broth with the prepared beets and cook soup in the usual way in a saucepan. 3. If the soup is prepared in a large number, for proper distribution of meals cooked prunes separately and pour the broth into the pot with soup.

3. Financial technology might disagree with that approach. Cooked mushrooms and chop with spices (bay leaf, pepper, 2-3 pc., Clove) add to soup. 4. Submit soup with prunes, sour cream and herbs. Bon Appetit!