RDC Process

DEVELOPMENT radiology is an excellent technology for the development of the activities human beings, being indispensable instrument in varies areas of the human work as in hospitals, clinics, companies of photographic revelation among others, to put these institutions they produce residues photochemist that harm the environment respectively and the health of the community. It is demonstrated of utmost importance to search and to analyze the respective photochemist residues and its effluent ones, the process of radiogrfica revelation involves two basic agents, the revealer and the clamp, the revealer suffers irrelevant changes, but the clamp if very becomes dangerous when reacting with the film x-ray and if it contaminates with the silver, in virtue of this a treatment becomes necessary and a manuscript specialized and qualified of these you substantiate. As resolution CONAMA 20: ' ' The limit for discarding must be 0.1 mg/dl' '. In elapsing of radiological process the clamp accumulates silver on average 3g/l, what this very above of the recommendation proposal for the resolution of the CONAMA, therefore this material that possesss one high commercial value can be reaproveitado for other activities, beyond favoring for the preservation of the fauna, flora and humanity, therefore the ingested silver if represents damages due to its cumulative power. The discarding of the silver without any care or procedure is perceivable scientific technician, being this initiative opposes the effective ambient regulation, beyond the cited upheavals already. In accordance with article RDC 306/04 ANVISA: ' ' The revealers used in radiology can be submitted the neutralization process to reach pH between 7 and 9, being later launched in the collecting net of sewer or receiving body, since that they take care of the lines of direction established for the ambient agencies, managing of hdricos resources and sanitation competentes.' ' ' ' The used fixing in radiology can be submitted the process of recovery of the silver or then to be submitted to the constant of the item abaixo' ' ' ' The too much solid residues I contend metals heavy can be directed Aterro de Resduos Dangerous-Classroom I or to be submitted the treatment in accordance with the orientaes of the local agency of environment, in permitted installations for this end.