New Devices And Gadgets – Technology And Ideas Of The Future

In the Internet there are major thematic portals dedicated to mobile phones, cameras, mp3 players, PDAs – an annual world-renowned manufacturers provide to the public for their recent developments, and it all checked in the action, repeatedly tested by professionals and ordinary amateurs amateurs. All these new items receive wide publicity, and over time is no longer perceived as something special and unique. A simple example – Bluetooth and IrDA, done a couple of years ago, so much noise now are no longer something out of the ordinary. However, not every technical innovation meets joyful ovation – so many unusual gadgets initially neglected by the public do not get. For example, among those devaysov – USB-microscope for those who wish to conduct a study of microorganisms directly in their desktop:) and even "loyalty to the ring – engagement rings, which differ from ordinary except that the fact that if only someone like a spouse to remove the ring, the ring of the second report on this and has passed a traitor. It is difficult to assess the functionality of such devices, but each such gadget is certainly interesting, as different from the dozens of similar. In the competition to "invent a gadget is steeper than that of a competitor" involved manufacturers of computer keyboards.

It would seem that there really invent something – ergonomic keyboard with the standard layout for the eyes should miss any computer user. However, no such luck. Incidentally, a review of this gadget sphere will be useful and interesting to read at your leisure to each computer owner. Perhaps one of the most interesting computer keyboards today is virtual – a tiny device that fits in the palm and is, while not high-tech, but very interesting gadget – just turn it on, as absolutely any smooth surface appears laser keyboard. And how can we not remember the fantastic movies of virtual reality, when the smooth surface of an ordinary table appear keys with red lights. Moreover, this world of innovation is not limited to keyboards – Flexible slim keyboard, which can turn into pipe, and shove in a pocket of his shirt; keyboard to be worn on the hand, keyboard, 'enclosing' directly into the fabric – all this has long been a real device, not the attributes of Hollywood films.