East Germans Health

The satisfaction of the Germans with the currently highly debated health care system examined the Survey Institute TNS Emnid expectations, fears and prospects. The private krankenversicherung.de insurance Portal evaluates the results of the study of the Association of research-based pharmaceutical companies. Generally, the German citizens seem satisfied with their health care system. However, the survey showed that about 80 percent of the 1,004 participants admit lack of knowledge regarding the system and little know with whose structures. Despite the expected increase in the premium is the willingness, for a modern health care to pay. Compared to the East Germans, which mean that everyone gets an equal chance on medical care and this is accordingly affordable, the respondents from the old Federal States held such changes for desirable but not feasible. Generally, the desire is loud to get more opportunities to medical innovations.

As long as a treatment for effective and innovative standards is secured, the willingness to increased monetary costs would be. The research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers Association stressed the need of two possible steps for a just health care system, which could take place in the near future: firstly to ensure medical progress through a cost-benefit assessment of medicines for all citizens. On the other hand argues the Association for the abolition of the economy bid, which prevents prescription latest medications for patients and thus the desired innovation for the most part. Cost control should in the future play a central role in an improved system of drugs along with patient interest and treatment success.