Wedding Photography

It is believed that the existence of any of us, there are three very important moment – the birth, marriage and the care of another world. Clearly, this proverb came to us long ago, when the marriage of a man could enter only once, however, including the date, just as before marriage continues to be one of a list of the most important moments of life. Any important and enjoyable event in the life of every one of us strives to preserve a long memory. And Nowadays, a large number of possibilities to implement it – say, make an order for a picture or video of the festivities. However, the aspect that must be approached very carefully: for a wedding, everything should be fine: young and festive table and wedding photography. But if you say serious, direct photo, which will get, better just let speculate about the extent to which great turned wedding. Respectively approach the problem selection specialist photos for wedding photographing required with all possible scrupulousness. Primarily should explore compilation artworks fotooperatora to provide currently normal representation about his opportunities.

For man who unable be professional chief parameter – it "like" or "disliked". However this exponent laid real domestic meaning. After enjoy every usually photos where present definite zest hidden meaning mood. A every understandable that Photographer on wedding – this someone who will must embody directly state soul. And save it in the photograph, which will be with you for years to come. Those of us who have first-hand understands what it means wedding, clearly understand that in most cases it is perfect – a lot of problems, anxiety, and as a result of just the physical exhaustion of bride and groom from unusual costumes, a large number of guests and the difficulties encountered. But the photographer must withdraw immediately happy and beautiful couple.

And be able to do only a real expert. In addition, various young little family want to have not only the usual marriage photos, though, even excellent quality, and in addition, and the wedding book photos. Collect all the photos worthy of association – this is really no standard solution. A wedding photo book will be a real adornment of your family archives. Wedding photos, you can book and loved ones show, and friends, and colleagues. After all, professional-looking wedding photo book – is really aesthetically pleasing and bright. There is a desire that your marriage has been truly the most memorable and unique? Call professional photographer, and give some time to stroll under the watchful eye of the camera. You'll see – these pictures will be really unique and awesome.

Jose Navarro

Currently the word God is being relegated increasingly into the background, even occasionally use it can be interpreted as a provocation. However everywhere hear about catastrophes that beset this world and how many people are behaving with their peers. The Earth with its animals and plants, suffers under the fraud which is made by putting all the false label of Christian, also by the selfishness of the exploiters. Everyone has their arguments to exploit the land, to torture and kill animals and destroy nature. And all this with security has nothing to do neither with God or with Jesus. And suddenly comes a person who is allowed to hold the affirmation: God lives in us. The number of people leaving the Church increases.

Again and again you hear talk about excesses of the priestly caste, of falsehoods, lies and countless perversions. Many are disappointed of their institution, which until now had been believed and where sought God. Others Meanwhile say: God does not exist! What if There, where are you?. The superiors of the Church are not worthy of credit and the parties discussed about the common good, but if you notice everything we discover that it is only stock dividends. While citizens is charging us with more taxes. While the Government of many countries continue to hold the Stirrup of the priestly caste, i.e., the Church, to subsidize the situation unchanged, because the State holding bracket and at the same time the rider who leads the horse, considered not necessary to change their behavior to God and his fellow men.

In addition, churches and cathedrals are restored with billions, which ultimately must provide the State, i.e., US citizens. And this, despite that in the Bibles of the priests, the priestly caste refers to where and who sells his faithful as the absolute truth, reads: God, who created the world and everything in it, the Lord of heaven and Earth, does not live in temples made by human hand. But what said Jesus of Nazareth? All who take the sword will die under the sword. And this world shows how we are: wars, murders, killings, hunger, suffering, diseases, epidemics, never-ending martyrdom of animals; and then the question arises: do you send us Dios both pain and suffering? However it is not the good God who sends us the evil that comes to us, we rather who collect what you’ve sown through our thoughts, words and acts, negative, dark, envious and filled with enmity and hatred, because everything is energy and no energy is lost.


Hydropercussion energy (corresponding to the mutual humanity and Nature of Energy). Intellectual property is protected by Russian patents. From the author. Part 1 today, 24 May 1965. I was on tuition – refresher Chemists scouts to participate in the areas of nuclear tests: Kazakhstan, Turgay region. Results of the study, more and more plagued my state of mind that nuclear power will sooner or later bring us around the world and not just great benefit, but an inordinate grief … The painful daily thoughts finally come to the necessity of finding ways to create methods and devices of alternative energy.

For the reliance on thermal power it does not take into account the fact that she, more than, those will bring a greater barbarism on planet earth. Therefore, the idea fascinated me, gleaming in the long years of selfless, creative and physical labor, in the hope that the shroud uncertainty kept the great wealth that pertain to the needs of humanity. But in order to find ways and choose the best of them – have a lot and very much to know – and not hearsay. And at the age of 30 years to learn and begin to seriously persistently engage in a creative search for alternative energy. In this case it was necessary to operate and maintain a family of five. It was necessary, first, to find a way of extending the working time in astronomical terrestrial days. And I found him, this reduction of the human diet sleep, that is not 8 hours and up to 5-6 hours per day. And now (in 2010), with confidence I can say that this chosen path was optimal, because it only allowed me to approach positive results that far and a great goal. Having retrained Chemists scouts to work in the areas of nuclear weapons tests in 1965 in Kazakhstan, due to the results seen otchuyu nuclear "plague." I was goal – to find ways and create technical devices are an alternative to the barbaric power engineering and nuclear plague of the twentieth century.