Government System

A. M. l. / the high Chamber approves law of waste and contaminated soils. A waste Commission shall decide on the technical and economic feasibility of the application of the system of deposit, refund and return of containers (SDDR). The system would imply for consumer acquisition of container for an extra amount that would be returned to return it to the point of sale once consumed.

The old system of return of bottles opens again way in waste management, after approval this Wednesday at the plenary session of the Senate the law on waste and contaminated soils. The system, endorsed by major environmental groups, would imply for consumer acquisition of container for an extra amount that would be returned to you to return it to the point of sale once consumed the product. Deposit, refund and return of containers (SDDR) system allows you to retrieve the value of the container when the user delivered directly to shops or points of distribution, while the integrated system of management (GIS) or points clean, they charge municipalities for management, account with voluntary participation and non-remunerated the citizen who separates garbage. Application of the SDDR, which coexist with collection points, will depend on the reports of technical, environmental and economic viability submitted to study the Commission of waste that will be created to this cto, according to an amendment agreed by all parliamentary groups. The real scope of this Commission will be established by a regulation that the Government will adopt in the coming months, as they explain to the Senate sources. If it proves technically viable and complements the objectives of the GIS, the SDDR economically recognize of own consumer recycling work. Without that stipulated even price, for every bottle returned consumer will receive the amount that has been invested in the first purchase of container and that will not represent an expense as long as soon as it is returned.


In the circle of bodybuilders there are diverse views on the impact of sexuality on the power performance and efficiency studies. Some say that sex impede the normal recovery Athlete between workouts, while others consider sex useful for progress in strength and endurance. How sex actually affects an athlete? Consider the arguments of each side. What is the problem of heavy amateurs dumbbells and frequent sex? Restoration of an athlete after exercise is impossible without a sound sleep and rest. In the dream, the process of recovery and super – Payment of muscle fibers, which are so eager bodybuilders. Opponents of sex life in the training period, they say, that frequent sex interfere with normal sleep and rest, because of what the muscles do not have time to recover and progress is minimal, or else all absent. In addition, semen contains a large amount of protein needed for recovery and growth of muscle fibers.

The loss of protein, especially at bedtime, it seems not at all acceptable. In addition, now that the body must expend energy and the same protein to create a new sperm, and this happens just at night, when energy is so important for muscle growth. As for those bodybuilders who have advocated the existence of a regular sex life of an athlete, they are also very convincing. The main argument for the opposite side is a lot of testosterone in the body of a bodybuilder. Levels of the male hormone – testosterone affects the functioning of man's body.

High level contributes to greater sexual self-confidence. Men with high testosterone levels are hardy physically capable of heavy physical exertion and rapid recovery after them. One conclusion, it is important for a bodybuilder to have high levels of testosterone. Of course, training in the hall raised the number of male hormone, but only for a short period of time.