In daily massage, mother caresses the baby rhythmically and speaks, thus forging the links of trust and security so important to its future development. Congratulations! Finally got your baby! After nine long months of waiting, finally have it between your arms, you finally know his face, his arms, his handyman. Surely the relationship with your son has begun from much until he was born. Since it was in your belly you platicabas with him, you sang it and you arrullabas, you asked him that he moved not so much when you tratabas sleeping or to give kicks to feel his dad. However, now that you have it facing you, it begins a new stage in which you and your baby will interact more closely.

Learn how through touch, you can foster this relationship. What happens with your baby before birth? Before birth the baby’s body is flooded with a hormone called ACTH to prepare it to stress that supposed birth and learning which will be later. Once the baby is born the pituitary gland sends the message to the hormone so that it no longer segregate is, do you know why does it? Because through contact with the look, touch and the heartbeat of the mother, the baby’s body knows that it is safe and content. A daily massage increases the threshold of stimulation in the most babies. When the baby is born, your nervous system is not developed completely, however, sensory stimulation helps development, the massage accelerates myelination, which is necessary to cover each nerve system and at the same time, can give the impulse of neurons that fosters the development of intelligence. Also intensified the relationship cerebro-cuerpo, help prevent and/or relieve colic, tones the digestive area, helps move the gas and stool up to eject them, all this is partly due to the immaturity of the nervous system.

Lopez Franchise

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