California Institute

MICROSCOPE microscopic some researchers from the California Institute of technology have actually become a concept that until now only belonged to science fiction. The development of a high resolution microscope compact, small enough have completed to fit on the tip of a finger. This microscopic microscope operates without lenses but has the power of magnification of a light microscope of high quality, can be transported with obvious ease and use anywhere to analyze blood samples in tests for detection of malaria, or analyze water supplies in order to verify the existence of giardia and other pathogenic organisms, and can be manufactured in series for around $10. (NC & T) Changhuei Yang developed the device, with the help of his colleagues at Caltech. The microscope is truly compact; Indeed, it may be installed on a mobile phone. In addition, it is able to obtain the necessary lighting for viewing from just from sunlight.

All These features make it very attractive for sanitary applications in the third world. The new instrument combines the technology of traditional computer chip with microfluidics, fluids to incredibly small scales. A microscope full optofluidico on a chip is about the size of a coin of twenty-five cents, although the part of the device that produces images of objects is only the size of the nose of George Washington in that currency. Yang is now holding negotiations with biotechnology companies to manufacture in series chip. The platform on which the chip integrates may vary, depending on the needs of the user.

For example, the health personnel in rural areas could carry adequate models to form part of the portable medical instruments, empowering professionals to verify in situ if an individual suffers from malaria, among other things. We could build hundreds or thousands of microscopes optofluidicos on a single chip, which would allow get the images of many organisms for immediate analysis, explains Xiquan Cui, of the research team. In the future, microscopes in chips could be incorporated into devices that could be implanted in the human body. An analysis with an implantable microscope system is capable, autonomously, monitor what comes through the bloodstream and isolate loose cancerous cells that is found, thus providing important information for diagnosing and helping to prevent the spread of cancerous cells.

Asafa Syndrome

Before even fit the shoes of nails, the most vulnerable Usain Bolt who is known has been without rivals. As condemned to despair, the four athletes who best mark had done this season in the 100 meters have due resign themselves to not try this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the excellences of the track blue Daegu, stunning between the mountains in the world, to renounce the challenge the fastest athlete in history. Yesterday, Asafa Powell, the boy most loved by the discerning fans, who wanted to, guided by the tenderness and fear of discouragement, who exploited a regular of the untouchable Bolt year, finally announced that the groin injury that hurt for a couple of weeks was not, as many believed, a psychological resource, an imaginary painto rid of the tension that grips the Favorites on the eve of the World Cup – came with the best world mark of the year, 9, 78s, a tenth faster than Bolt-, but a true and real physical pain. So alive that you have forced to step back and give his place in the Jamaican team to Michael Frater. Source of the news:: Asafa syndrome

House Demand

The specialist I seek everywhere locate my property, heritage, to ask for embargo on them, but not got rather than roles and more roles, because for safety, I never have nothing to my name, vehicles, land or House, since is that in Peru, people are looking for opportunity to make demands in the belief that will get you paying thousands of dollarsthey donate to orphans in Peru, according to them. Well as a leader of an urbanization who said in front of his friends: papeluchero, because the said it was a lawyer, something false, since it wasn’t, I demand for 1 million of dollars for having insulted, publicly destroyed his honor and good name. It is so sued by two people in two different places, win the second, that never failed to prove I had reproached him, despite offered witnesses to, in number three. Judge term citandolo my applicant with warning bring it with the police because at the end, never was presented for the first hearing, or any, i.e.: abandon their demand. Feared that if the declare unfounded, the sentenciarian to the pay process with coasts and costs. As happened with my complainant Mrs. Martha Roma Sanchez in Iquitos, a species of Freddy Crugger of the DREL.

Wine by wool and came out trasquilada. These two examples you will serve to ud to observe that: 1.-La sra Roma spend money on lawyer, months, pay legal fees, in the belief of that the judiciary, the supporting her, to make me more harm that already me had done with my cohabitant educational center, but everything you went to the reverse, they declared their demand unfounded and spoiled this to pay costs and costs the plaintiff. Process judicial ciivil, pays the loser in Peru, so whether that demand. 2.-Ud may observe the leader lost time, expenditure on legal fees, only to give the taste of having me to my defendant, to intimidate me because estupidamente creia que yo you would ask forgiveness, and that you ofreceria money, so not demande me, thing that made people laugh to choir to my friends and family. My family is composed of lawyers, judges, I study law, currently study, FF I know as they flexed the legal systems, to defend my interests. More than live faced Peruvians must learn to acknowledge mistakes and promote a culture of peace, a culture of dialogue, rather than eternal conflict, that to nothing lead. Social conflicts are very common, are neither good, nor bad, only exist and exist, because the life, the world is like this, there will always be differences between social, business groups, etc. But Extrajudicial conciliation, us have a new opportunity and what is more: materials are Conciliables? They are the subject of conciliation determined or determinable claims that relate to available rights of parties, such as: food, regime of visits, tenure, Division and partition of goods.

Liquidation of the matrimonial society. Obligation to give money. Obligation to do and not do. Evictions for breach of contract. Precarious evacuation. Eviction by contract expiration. Eviction for nonpayment. Compensation. Breach of contracts. Payment of rent. Among others that are freely available from the parties.

Inglaterra Match

It was scheduled for Wednesday at 1900 hours. The match is suspended as a result of the current wave of violence in the city. The friendly match that England football team was going to play on Wednesday against the Netherlands in London has been cancelled as a result of the current wave of violence in the city, announced the Football Association (FA) English. With regret we suspending the international match against Holland in Wembley, scheduled for 1900 hours GMT, as explained by the FA in a statement. Violence that extends throughout the United Kingdom British police deployed this Monday night one-third more agents to the violent riots that have spread to several neighbourhoods of London, where youths set fire to buildings and vehicles for the third consecutive day.

In addition, Birmingham (North of England) Police confirmed that several properties and businesses had suffered attacks and robberies in different areas of the city and several people were arrested. In Liverpool (North West England) people by identifying they have set fire to several vehicles. In addition there were other damage, such as looting. Source of the news: cancelled the friendly Inglaterra-Holanda by riots.

Windows Operating System

Introduction. Well, in our days having a PC already is something normal, independent of the Windows operating system that we choose (XP, Vista), once we have it in our hands the following questions arise: is the virus that brings good? Can I immediately use MSN to chat with my friends? My PC builds up useless files that are deleted or I have to delete personally? I have spoken much of the P2P programs (Ares, Torrent, emule), are where the bass? What are the Spyware? How do I protect? They also tell me that I must have a firewall or firewall, but where he got it? Told me something like disk fragmentation. What is that? Steps to follow. Step no. 1 first of all is a good antivirus. Most of the best antivirus are pay, i.e. you must buy your license. Within these anti-virus Kaspersky, Nod 32, Norton, McAfee, and others we can find.

However there are free, why not less efficient alternatives. I have personally tried 2 free antivirus: AVG Free and Avast Free Edition. That I can say about AVG Free. I had bad experience with this antivirus, since all the Trojans passed him and my PC is filled with viruses and demases. In addition his daily update is really a nightmare, in the sense that opens you update Windows that are really annoying. Many times gave him by scanning the disk every time you lit your PC and stop it was another nightmare. Or tell them when you try to remove it from the system, actually brought me problems. Avast Free Edition.

My favorite antivirus. Installs easily and gives you the option to scan the disk for viruses and deletes you all Trojans it detects. Your daily update is wonderful, quiet, without pop-up Windows and once warns you for the only time that the database was updated.


Jewelry firms are betting this summer by leaving a traditional, small and delicate jewel aside, opening the way to renewed flows of jewels that evoke Art Deco. Unique pieces and true works of art that involve real work of goldwork, with exclusive selection of stones wrapped in a floral setting. Jewel star remains the ring, in the same way that in the spring. Rings of unreasonable sizes that do not leave anyone indifferent, and which bring style, class and exclusivity that reflect the personality of every woman… Color is another of the strengths of this station features.

Different alloys of gold 18Kts. they work goldsmiths jewelers, allow you to get a la carte golden color: yellow, white, pink, green, black without a doubt, the range of colors star for this summer will be the reddish combined with black or white rhodium baths. Despite surprising shades that gold can adopt, goldsmiths Jewelers yield protagonism to color stone, large and with selected sizes that they build flowers and natural environments in a single piece of unique and unrepeatable being made by hand almost in its entirety. The citrine, in all its shades, are semi-precious stones chosen for this summer, geometrically or shaped carved cabochon but always accompanied by diamonds..

Quality Management

The object of education is to form beings fit to govern themselves, and not to be ruled by others. Herbert Spencer Venezuelan universities, our interest in analysis and assessment in the present, face serious problems in the achievement of its excellence, academic quality due to some factors that has been decisive in those results involving, since their inefficiency in their systems administrative, services, profiles of its professionals, curriculum, teaching, research, linkages with the national reality problemswith the different sectors must be given to who update of modern knowledge and appropriate use of modern educational technology and its services. There are many universities, which currently presents large gaps in pro of achieving academic excellence demanded by the current national and international scenario, professionals with many weaknesses in his training, training, specialisation, as well as a significant waste human capital, not knowing develop and utilize the best possible full potential, skills and suggestions from people that comprise it, identifying, classifying and adapting their knowledge and competencies for the continuous improvement of the same, without neglecting the importance of effective communication and responsibility among all staff, optimizing the performance of all actors involved in a Universitythat goes from their teachers, students, authorities, administrative staff. The EFQM model (European Foundation for Quality Management) before these cases provides much in pro of rescuing academic excellence, put into practice, above all, when it is diagnosed all components involved in the operation, and this gives way to strategies, actions that can provide transformations that benefit you. Not the slightest doubt, that the EFQM model aims to help organizations to better know themselves to improve your running, reviewing and evaluating its internal in the continuous improvement to achieve policies the Excellence. Consider also that quality assurance involves usually the comparison between a particular product or service and a standard, previously defined, which establishes the criteria to qualify the quality of such well or service.

Companies Participates

Throughout 2009 Sanchez-Pando, S.A has carried out more than 20 presentations of your Flexi system, a solution for afflicted interior walls from moisture problems that has been rehearsed by Labein-Tecnalia.Las certification lab days have approached companies related with the sectors of construction and rehabilitation of buildings, and in them has been detail exposed this innovative solution, which has been developed and distributes Sanchez-Pando, SA. Representatives of hundreds of firms have attended these training appointments which have been developed both at the headquarters of the company, in the Valle de Trapaga Vizcaino municipality, and in his Madrid delegation of Loeches. Companies of Burgos, Cantabria, La Rioja, Vizcaya, Alava, Guipuzcoa and Madrid have gone to these calls.Commissioning obrLa commissioning system Flexi work has been one of the central elements of the presentations made by the specialists of Sanchez-Pando, S.A. To do this, all the technical exhibitions have been supported by a few panels of sample where you could appreciate, very graphically, each of the phases of implementation of the system, since the preparation of the base until the final finish surface.During these sessions, has wanted to give prominence to assistants professionals to meet their needs, their opinion about the system and previous experiences with other systems. In this way you have been able to collect suggestions, identify the most relevant aspects for the installers and even discover other possible applications of this solution in the treatment of walls with moisture problems.Along with the explanation of the technical characteristics and operation of Flexi system, has also taken the opportunity to provide information of other interesting solutions that Sanchez-Pando, S.A, manufactures or markets, such as those related to the thermal and acoustic insulation tiles for corridors or greenroofs Kubertol.Solucionar problems and installers prevenirlosVarios who attended the conferences already have begun to employ the Flexi system when in the works where they work have located a moisture problem on interior walls.


Identification by Radio frequency (RFID) is a technology that existed for more than half a century, however, in recent years, its potential has been taking advantage of to identify products and facilitate the logistic processes in which they operate both manufacturers and retailers within the sectors of consumer goods. Products by RFID or Radio frequency identification is a method that identifies reliably items using radio waves. The great advantage in relation to bar code technology is that the laser beams must see barcode to read it. On the other hand, radio waves do not require this line of reading and can be placed in different forms of texture of materials, such as corrugated cardboard or plastics. Electronic product (EPC) code is a unique number designed to uniquely identify any object at the global level, number which is also stored on an RFID TAG. The EPC is understood as the Standardization of RFID, leading within their standard aspects such as software, information systems and frequencies of operation, etc.

The electronic code of product (EPC) is the next generation of bar codes, basically the EPC is an encoding scheme developed by the Auto-ID Center that can uniquely identify an individual item, whether it is to be an article of consumption, box, pallet, good logistical or virtually anything else. Instead of being printed on paper as happens today with the barcode system, this number is inserted within an electronic tag which can be detected using radio (RIF) waves. This allows you to locate or track products throughout the supply chain and read these EPCs at a distance and out of direct line of reading. These technologies promise to improve and accelerate the operation of inventory, logistics in supply chains and payment processes and necessarily in the long-term it will do to improve the way they do business. RFID brings value to supply chains with new technologies and new business processes resulting from these technological changes in this first decade of the twenty-first century.

Pool Municipal

Diving and ecological baths. That is what from now on will have the residents of the town of Alaquas valencia. And it is that its municipal swimming pool, thanks to awareness of sustainability of its City Hall and the work done by SunEnergy, the Spanish renewable energy business group, has a system of micro-cogeneracion in its facilities that will save them lots of energy. It’s a great energy efficiency system that is simultaneously produces electricity and thermal energy from primary energy contained in a fuel. Something that has been a challenge at a technical level since it had be combined with existing installations of gas boilers and solar thermal support, explains Jana Peiro, Director of Marketing and Expansion of SunEnergy. For this purpose we have installed a micro-cogeneracion central in its municipal swimming pool combined with a conventional gas boiler and solar thermal installation already exists, add the directive.

More swimming ecological well things the heated municipal swimming pool located in the complex sport of the town has opted for the CHP technology which will lead to a considerable saving in energy consumption, thanks to the micro-cogenerador in parallel with the boiler SunEnergy has installed. Existing boilers gas consumption has risen to an annual average of 860,000 kwh in previous exercises. And this counting that already relies on an installation of solar thermal energy with a surface of about 255 m2 useful acquisition?, adds Pere Negre, Director of engineering of Sun Energy. Saving that has needed a detailed study and that has been achieved thanks to a micro-cogenerador in parallel with the boiler. The study of the feasibility of implementation of a team is key when arises to perform a new installation in an existing building and that already houses such complex facilities for servicing the heated swimming pools (solar installation, boilers, deposits of accumulation, water treatment plants, etc.) additional as the micro-cogenerador.