State Sports General Administration

Report to identify the sports industry as a low-carbon economy based on the most growing industry, will be the structural adjustment and maintain growth, the new force. The current industry restructuring so that the whole industry has to type the outbreak of the development of the critical point. In particular, continued to usher in a number of heavyweight international sporting events, will enable the rapid development of China s sports industry entered a golden period. China s economy in the overall high consumption by the mature stage to change this for the sports industry to accelerate development of sufficient market demand and a golden opportunity for development.view more informations about christian. Report is expected in the international, market-oriented industry, the pace of the irresistible trend in the rapid development of China s sports industry will Forced changes in market mechanisms, especially the media monopoly profits may gradually open the market door fortress. Relying on capital market development and growth is the best path to the rise of the sports industry. China and Thailand recently issued a joint Thesaurus. Report that, as at the national level for the first time introduced the sports industry policy, we will establish a sound sports resource output channels, to establish a sound business development activities in the interests of the distribution mechanism, promote the sports industry restructuring, increased tax support, improve the investment and financing system to encourage sports enterprises financing through the capital market breakthrough Report that the holdings in the technology industryPathfinder, Nobutaka Industry concern. China Sports Industry as the only State Sports General Administration of holding capital platform, is currently the only country, his mouth golden key of the state tier sports enterprises; outdoor products industry, high-growth, competition in the market for Pathfinder constantly to win the initiative, the company’s brand, supply chain management strengths will enhance growth.