Greece Solar

One of the things that called to me more the attention from my trip to Greece is the extended thing that is the operation of the solar energy by all the country. I do not talk about to great orchards of solar paddles installed by the municipalities, but to that each house, each block, has its solar paddle in the tile roof instead of a cover of roofing tiles. You raise the Licabitos mount, you see the modern Athens your around and in each building a solar paddle shines in the objective of your camera. You cross the country and on the brink of madness the highway until it more modest houses have their small wood porches and their panels of certificates solar in the tile roof. In a so sunny country and simultaneously so poor it is logical that they try to take advantage of to the maximum a power plant that is gratuitous, clean and accessible.

And right now, in the middle of the enormous economic crisis that them asola, the rays of the sun will be in those houses a lightening for the domestic economies. We did not follow its example Is a pain that in Spain, another sunny country, we do not take advantage of one our majors natural wealth and we do not operate his characteristics. In any neighbor community the installation of solar paddles, still without subsidy, is amortized in approximately 10 years, as of which the hot water and the heating happen to be almost gratuitous. Also any single-family villa can generate energy sufficient in its tile roof even to be sold to the formation communications net. The lack of knowledge of this possibility causes that on our wood porches there is roofing tile, slate or more wood instead of photovoltaic panels. And it is that we presumed much to be the country of the Sun but soon we resigned to remove party to its possibilities. He is something to think.