Electric Energy

In the same year, in the sequence of the scandals involving the state bank, Alckmin was layer of Ch magazine? an So. The magazine had received, in the same month, the approach value of R$ 60 a thousand, for a reason or purpose sponsorship, of the Company of Transmission of So Paulo Electric Energy (Cteep). Detail, the magazine belonged to the friend and acupunturista of Geraldo, the doctor Jou Eel Jia. Moreover, the children of both are partners in a store of natural products. In this taken over on a contract basis of ' ' auxlio' ' to next, the Bank Our Box acquired, in duplicate, 500 ovens the gas for the value of R$ 400 a thousand to the program of the artisan bakeries created by then first-lady Lu Alckmin.

Nothing of volunteer until the Public prosecution service to restore investigativo procedure in order to select the reasons for which the bank occults the registers of this additional expenditure. Alckmin, while governor, more than barred seventy CPIs in the State legislature of So Paulo. Between them, most important they would deal with the CDHU, FEBEM, Rodoanel, Deepening of the Gutter of the River Tiet, Cession of Public Area to the TV and Radio New Song, Contracts of Advertising of Our Box, Executions in the Castelinho, Irregularities in Loans to Eletropaulo, CPI of 980 Contracts, Contaminated Areas, Aiding to Coca-Cola, Fiscal Resignation and Tax, Fiscal War, Frauds of the Telephonic Company etc. At last, hundreds or thousand of irregularities if had occurred during the Alckmin management. Evidently, a lowermost percentage was divulged by the great printed, a time to have common interests between governments of the PSDB and the majoritria media.

So Paulo poor person, delivers to antipopular man, to a so aggressive, hostile party to the people. In them he does not remain any expectation of improvement in what to depend on the State Executive. We will wait, with absolute certainty, the continuity of one politics of extortionary tolls, trashing, each time more, of the Civil Policy, a public security delivers the vile electoral interests, of a desumanizada health and an education without any commitment with youth. Thus, the good people who still remain in this country, men, women, young, aged, religious leaderships, at last, beings that still are endowed with certain hope with regard to the condition human being, must, all, if to join in the intention of if preventing the greater of all males that it can acometer in them at this moment: the election of Jose Mountain range. Fernando Grecco is contributor of the Leaf of Votorantim. Email: fer.grecco@ yahoo.com.br