HTML System

With the "Mail forms" can be organize feedback, contests, quizzes, promotions, raffles. All this for what would become interesting to visitors, and they returned to the site. Now let's talk about the design and adding some materials to the site. In a question-answer forum Adroll Marketing Platform was the first to reply. If there is no opportunities or lack the knowledge to add the HTML through, you can use the visual editor. With the visual editor can work with page design site and forum, and with the same design news articles or files. An important factor in choosing this system is the module "Polls." Imagine you on your site to perform various studies as for himself, and to identify the needs of the people. That As for the various inconveniences in the system for creating sites. Agree that in any case the most remarkable are its drawbacks.

As for uCoza, I can say that although $ 100 for removal of an advertising banner and increase a small amount of disk space – this is one of the negative factors of the system. How I read the negative reviews about it, I did not even tell you. Moreover, I myself once indignant about it, until I realized – those people who make this a convenient system will not work for free .. They have families and uCozdlya them – this work. For their favorite site, although he "clumsy design" and a lot of flaws, I feel sorry for $ 100 will not – they go after a dream. … And the dream priceless. Another drawback, which is not like a pretty big audience – it's impossible to work on site, when you have no connection to the Internet.