Internet Getestet

Large performance differences in space and co. +++ from Google only on third place +++ English knowledge for creation of advantage +++ HAMBURG, July 26, 2011 –, the portal for cross-industry tests in the Internet, has compared five free blog systems. has a “very good” judgement test winner. Google landed behind only in third place. The space, both in the number of designs the top two finishers more than the Google portal in addition to the services offer different also the user-friendliness of the provider. While knowledge of HTML at the creation were almost never necessary, good knowledge of English proved important. With the exception of, it was possible to create a simple blog ten minutes and to bring online on all platforms. Short messages, videos or links can be quickly and easily share on social networks.

Who operates his who has however to say more than the most limited character numbers give away, own blog. This goes in the blink of an eye and is free. Where you should look for when selecting a suitable Blogsystems, found International Bloggernetzwerk WordPress 1.5 (“very good”) reached the best test result. A blog is free and easy to set up, the space is huge with 3 GB and it is looked after the Setup from the spam management to security to all. However, the creation without good knowledge of English is not easy.

The only completely German-speaking service ranked two (1.9), in which however ample advertising will be integrated into free blogs. (2,3), (2.8) and (3,1) placed themselves behind it. Conclusion: The decision for one or the other blog service will primarily depend on how fast and how well the (future) blogger in the respective system of the provider find your way. Which in turn depends on what individual technical knowledge will be brought and whether sufficient English language skills. No matter,. who makes the race to the end: A blog is created in any case less than five minutes and immediately online capable. News can be sent out in lightning speed in the world. Readers are quite fast because Google is already a few days after you create the blogs. Also, the Blogsystems offer various networking opportunities for its own content. So, all services serve their purpose. Detailed information about the test here: blog provider-comparison / company description on the independent test Portal is since 2009 online and belongs to the site portfolio of Internet GmbH. Every week a new online supplier comparative test will be published on In this test, consumers learn what portal in Internet performance, value for money and customer service delivers the best performance. Pro test up to ten of a comparable service providers are thoroughly examined and evaluated individually. A team of professional, experienced journalists runs your tests through. Overall, already more comparative than 400 individual tests conducted on the Internet GmbH is a joint company of the media entrepreneur Jens Kunath and the Media Ventures GmbH, which belongs to the portfolio of Dirk Stroer. company contact: Internet GmbH Elena Frateantonio Stresemann road 29 22769 Hamburg Tel: 040890663344 E-Mail: Web: