United Kingdom

Sir Winston Churchill promised to its fellow citizens war in the heat of ” blood, sweat and lgrimas”. Thanks to it, the United Kingdom survived the Nazi aggression, but their compatriots were not forgiven it and five years later preferred in the ballot boxes their rival Labour Party member, Clement Attlee. And it is that to all the bad news inconvenience to us, although are certain. Three quarters of century later were on the verge of repeating history with David Cameron, when the today to premier British took a comfortable advantage to him in the surveys to Gordon Brown and anticipated that govern it would have to make cuts social. One never recovered of the subsequent demoscpico bassoon and now it must govern in an unstable coalition with the liberal-democrats of Nick Clegg.

The politicians have learned the lesson and for that reason they promise gold and the Moor perdnenme inopportune of the expression although both is unattainable. Even Mariano Rajoy, that knows that if gains the elections it will have to impose rigid measures of austerity, draws east weekend in Seville a panorama almost idyllic if it gets to govern, in order not to only lose nor one of the votes that are fleeing in mass of the PSOE. It is not to be strange, therefore, that in spite of the existing economic data vice-president Gerald Camps says that ” every time we are better; the worse thing has passed ya”. In that it follows the wake of Rodriguez literally Zapatero who, after to have denied repeatedly to recognize his existence, affirmed in April of 2009 that ” it is probable that the worse thing of the economic crisis has passed ya”.