Flat Floor Gives Beauty

Flat floor adds beauty to any room – this is the strength and you. To align the need to: 1. Leveling compound. 2. Ground. 3. Trowel.

Roller with a bucket and mixer (elektromeshalka). Technology of the work: be careful with the carrier surface to a patch filled with equalizer, not cracked. Next, begin to scrape away the plaster, and floors clean of excess cement. Dents in the floor more than 1 cm should be repaired and cleaned what floor (vacuum). For check the bearing surface on the porosity, it is necessary to pour water on the cleaned floor (third-quarter cup). If the water is completely absorbed in one minute, then it means you have to wake your coat about sex.

Apply primer recommend a paint roller (like paint), and then dry it. To prepare the mortar take a bucket of water (dilute solution in a bucket full of water). To obtain a homogeneous mass to the final Stir it with a stirrer (electromechanical). After the solution takes the form of a liquid and a homogeneous (without clots), it should be left in the bucket for a few minutes. After that, take a bucket and pour the solution on the far wall in room. The solution was diluted with a trowel. During the leveling trowel be careful on the surface there was no foreign particles, lumps, clots. The thickness of the first layer should be no more than 1cm. Then, in the same way impose a second layer, but only after the first was almost cured, but not quite dry. Again, start priming. Thick layer of leveling composition of the solution is not used often and is really only for very uneven floors. Plank floor leveling order to properly lay linoleum, you should remove all the irregularities inherent in the wooden floor. In this paper, we describe all the stages of this work. Tools and materials needed for of work. 1. Sheets of plywood (size and thickness of discretion). 2. Rolled insulation (mineral material). 3. Electric drill, screwdriver. 4. Fiberboard. Technology alignment plank floor: 1) When selecting plywood Refer the following rule: the bigger bumps on your floor, the thicker the material to be applied. 2) It is also recommended for additional insulation to lay roll insulation of mineral materials. 3) Adjust the plywood sheeting under the entire floor surface, and cut off the excess. 4) Assess the stability of plywood (walk through it), and if there are places where the plywood sags, then place them under pieces of fiberboard. It is recommended to mark problem areas in the event of their improvements. 5) The joints between the plywood laid to zapenit or zasilikonit. 6) Next, fasten the plywood to the floor, using a drill. Drive the screws we recommend a distance of 50-60cm. Tighten mounting to the end unnecessary! So tighten the screws to inherit the problem areas, it can bring to the subsidence of veneer sheets. 7) Before attaching the fixture, check again the strength of the floor and the joints of veneer sheets. 8) If everything smoothly and carefully, proceed to the final fixing screws.