Brazil Energy

This is fruit of the base that started if to raise in 1987, when of the birth of the Protocol of Montreal that regulated the substance use that they are harmful to ozone, as the CFC, assisting in the control of the hole in the layer. the result is that the ozone layer, the shield that protects the life in the Land of the harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation, was remained steady in the last decade. One another question must be contemplated in Brazil is the question of its power in terms of energy capacity, with prominence for the discovery of the daily pay-salt, that would have reserves esteem in 34 billion barrels, the quarrels are intensified in the whole world on ' ' poderio' ' Brazilian in the sector, and still, due to production of etanol and the immense reservoir of hydroelectric plants and other renewable power plants, however if cannot consider this as the ready principle to be followed and, therefore he is indispensable to the necessity of investment in clean technologies In the words of the president of the Company of Pesquisa Energtica (EPE), Maurcio Tolmasquim, during the Frum EXAMINATION Energy, carried through in this second (20) in SP Brazil appears with two advantages that give prominence to it in world-wide the energy scene: ' ' renovabilidade' ' of the energy matrix of and the production of etanol. Everything 47% of its composed matrix for sources you renewed, being above average world-wide, that are of 14%. It adds despite the aeolian sector answers for less than 3%, but its generating potential is of 300 a thousand MW, the equivalent the 20 hydroelectric plants of the transport of Itaipu. in regards to production of etanol its potential of growth in the promising future and to be able to take care of to a market dominated for moved vehicles the biocombustvel, fact this that will have to supply the demand in ten years of foreseen 70% of the cars that will have to be flex.